Wednesday, October 1, 2008

... And Death

I've just realised that this blog exists for no reason at all.

Well, it does have one reason. It provides me ranting space. But none of you really care about that.

... or this blog, come to think of it.

So, following my principles, since this blog has no identifiable reason for its existence, it shall be not-updated until I figure out why I started to write here in the first place.

Good night.


Unknown said...

Woahhh KitchiKrisis!

It provides a place for you to be funny without being shot and provides me with reading material when I'm in Notts!

Quick, BE FUNNY!

radha said...

Blogs don't have to have a reason. But if you feel the need to have one, well. :)

Unknown said...

Oh now that I think about it, "I don't know why I'm doing this anymore" Is just a cop-out way of saying "I'm too lazy and therefore couldn't be arsed to do this anymore".
Tsk tsk tsk KitchiWan. What would the frustrated nun say?

Kitchi said...

The frustrated nun would probably stick a boot up my rear end, Vaibs.

And your reason isn't good enough.

Yes, Radha. I've always maintained that things shouldn't be done without reason. I've lost reason. Therefore this shouldn't be done.

Suzie said...

You are an insult to literary minds everywhere.


Unknown said...

I quite agree with Suzie actually. Cop outs don't become you. They are certainly not worthy of the KitchiGreen leather suit. Then again should I make you wear it ALL the time as punishment?! Hmmm....

Kitchi said...

Suzie - How exactly am I an insult? And since when was I a 'literary mind'...?

Vaibu - A cop out it isn't. I actually had three more updates lined up... but failed to see how my publishing them had any impact on anything. So I didn't.

Unknown said...

Don't tell me you started a blog so that you would make some change in the world or some such idealistic shite, I'll cry!

You started the blog because you wanted to be funny or attempt to, without having real rotten tomatoes thrown at you, and so that you could put to writing potentially funny things that slosh around in the abyss between your ears.
Atleast thats why I would start a blog :P

SOoooOOoo That is why you should continue this blog.

Kitchi said...

Nono...I started this just to have somewhere where I could say something, and, as you say, not get my head smashed in.

Then I reaslised no one really gives a crap, and neither do I.

So essentially, its a waste of time, effort, and funny.

Unknown said...

Nothing is ever a waste of funny. Not unless you're going to college and telling frustrated physics nun your jokes (that could explain why she hates you).
The blog certainly isn't a waste of funny. The 5 people that seem to read it quite like tearing you down apparently!

And did you change your post because my email said you said something different.

"This is a cop out, argue that" I don't need to argue it because, essentially, I won the case.

Kitchi said...

Yeah, changed it.

To something which you CAN argue to.

But yeah, okay. Cop out.

True... you can't argue that. Buuut it doesn't change my opinion, either. Since I agreed with you. See?

Unknown said...

Ok. So now the blog is dead. I'm in the middle of a 2 hr lecture. Eating a snicker flapjack. Life is good and shite at the same time.
S'ok though, now, everything you say on facebook has to be funny (upon pain of death) because KitchiDitchi has struck again.

Suzie said...

You know, this was probably a ploy to get more comments.

Sneaky bastard.