Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Wintry Somnumbalist

Some people just can't take... well, I don't quite know how to complete that sentence.
So here's the story.

I was waiting outside the Dean's office at college, when this guy comes striding out of the office with a very important look on his face, and heads straight for the guy sitting next to me. The conversation is as follows, starting with the important chap.

Chap : Are you Varun?
Guy : Wha-? (Like he's just been woken up)
Chap : Are you Varun?
Guy : *looks confused for a bit, and stares into his phone for a bit*
Chap : (Yelling) Hey! Are you Varun?
Guy : *Looks slightly shocked*
Chap : *Gets quite annoyed*
Guy : (mumbling) yesgfpsnosphmhsn.
Chap : What? (Really annoyed now)
Guy : What?
Chap : Are you Varun?
Guy : *realisation dawns* Oh! No.
Chap : *makes a move to raise his hand, which has formed a fist, and then stalks off, no doubt cussing under his breath*

Its guys like these which make the world such an entertaining place.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Knee Jerks

So big news of the week - Obama won.
Hooray, and other assorted noises of joy and happiness. Not only for America, but for the world. 

Why, you ask?
Read the papers, fool. Its been there for the last... eon. I'm no expert on the topic. Not even close. Well, I doubt anyone can really be an expert in politics, but they've gone into it enough number of times for me to say all that again here.

Meanwhile in India, the politicians are having a whale of a time jerking their knees to anything and everything. 
What really astounded me was to see the following headline in a national newspaper "When will India find its Obama?"

What I figured I would be reading was an article about the stale politics in India, and how we are desperately in need of some new people, who aren't all about extorting the people at every elections. 
What I got instead was an article about how likely it was that India would get a dalit president. 

Ouch is all I was thinking, all through the article. Which I didn't read past line two, by the way. 

These people have joyfully ignored Obama's achievements in terms of him convincing America that at a relatively yound age, he was fit to be president, and his policies, and how he would try and lead America out of the stone age, and have instead chosen to see only this - A black president. 
A president from a minority community. A president from people traditionally marginalised. 
Is this what it's all about? A president from a minority community?

This is sick.
It's also a complete knee jerk reaction. They've got a minority president. Quick! Find one from here!
Quite sad, really.

I had a joke lined up, punning on the title. But I have no opportunity to use it.