Friday, January 30, 2009

All That You Can't Leave Behind

Society is strange.

Exceedingly strange. 

Like shove-a-fork-in-your-eye-to-see-what-happens strange.

'Kitchi!' I hear you cry 'Why this sudden observation? Surely you've noticed this before? But then again, you've got the brains of a monkey. We're not counting on much.'

No, I've noticed. Although a little while ago, I just learned how absolutely skewed our perspectives are.

So I'm surfing the Wiki page for 'Black Metal', and came across the following statement.

"...some musicians have been associated with church burningsmurder and/or National Socialism."

How skewed a society do we have to live in, to club murder, arson, and socialism? To add a little more perspective to this - two of them deal with death, destruction and other ghastly words, and one's a political view.

A political view. 

How in the world can we club murder, with a political view? 

But I've just clicked through to find out what National Socialism is. 
Turns out it's a facy way of saying 'Filthy Nazi.'
So clubbing them together is completely warranted.

Rant negated.


Unknown said...

See now, I didn't know that.

Why were you wiki-ing black metal?

Kitchi said...

Don't have a clue.

The Writer said...

Ah! But then Socialists ARE associated with D^2!

Kitchi said...


I like reading comments.
More to the point - I like reading comments I understand.
