Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Eek. A Terrorist.

I've just realised I've been missing out.
While other people have been 
ripping the terrorists (who attacked Mumbai a bit ago. 26/11 as the media is cleverly calling it) to shreds at various points of time, I've just completely ignored them. Left to the government, they'd accuse me of marginalisation, and ask me to give the terrorists a special quota on my blog.

But I shall thwart their evil attempts by blogging the terrorists. Or commenting on them, assuming my usual position of 'I'm smarter, therefore I can make fun of you'.

I believe that terrorists shouldn't be shot. Oh, no. 
Ridiculed, sure.
But outrightly killed, by shooting? No sir. 
They could be killed by the old and wonderful method, of tying each limb to a different car, and driving each car in a different direction. That would be cool. Serve them right, too. Killing rich people? *gasp* We won't stand for that, will we? No sir!

We could try sympathising with them, sure. The conversation would probably go something like this :

"Look, you've got the brains of a coconut, and the emotional maturity of a two year old. I'll give you a room, which is completely padded, and has toys for you to play with!" 

"The toys are infidel scum! I shall vanquish all the toys in the world!"

So sympathising wouldn't work.

Another thing that amuses me is they way these wonderful creatures think. I mean, the one terrorist who was captured from the attacks, was wearing a fake Versace t-shirt.


I mean, the guy goes to all the trouble of obtaining firearms, and comes to India from Pakistan in a boat, and he buys a fake t-shirt? He obviously hasn't thought this thing through. He's obviously doing this to attain Jihadi paradise. And what would the 72 virgins of uncertain gender think of him, if he arrives in a fake t-shirt? 
He was probably given a couple of million bucks, for the whole job. 
Or not. I don't know. I have no idea what terrorists are paid, if paid at all.

Taking a leaf out of Chuck Jones' hat, we could do this. 

With a wall in the direction of Coyote. It'd make good television, at any rate.


Suzie said...

This made me snicker.

And also, do you know why the room's padded?

Cause it bleeds.

I'm so funny, no?

Kitchi said...

The room is padded because it bleeds.

Hilarity, only.

Unknown said...

Kitchi-Mega points! Sorry I have neglected you for so long. This was goodly and thoughty but in a good non thoughty way.

Suzie-That made me ayyo and laugh at the same time.