Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Challenge, Perhaps?

I spend a lot of time on the internet.
Far too much time on the internet. 

Although one thing I've noticed lately, is that people seem to be doing stupid things. No, wait. The internet has always been stupid. A look at Facebook 'discussion forums' and you'd know what I mean.
People seem to be doing a lot of pointless things, and having fun with it. 

On Youtube, there was a channel where these two people tried to make a video every day of the week. But they stopped. Tough.

And other people attempting blogging challenges.

So I figured, one post a day, for a month.
Why not?

It'll just be so much more waste in the world, sure. 
But why not?

So starting... March 10th, for a month (April 10th, for the slower ones out there) I'm going to try and do a post a month.
Feel free to avoid me like the plague once you're done reading the drivel that I'm about to produce.


Unknown said...

Yo Contradiction Boy..

'So I figured, one post a day, for a month'

'I'm going to try and do a post a month'

You already average a post a month. I know this, because I check. A lot.

That's how much time I spend on the internet.

Aroah said...

"And other people attempting blogging challenges."

Referring to me? :p

Well, all the best. Though don't be so sure, that it's all going to pure waste. You never know, as you dig, you may hit the gold mine! :)

Kitchi said...

Vaib -
I spend MORE time on the internet.
Contradiction? You're a bloody girl. You personify contradiction. Don't try and slap me with your contradiction stuff.

Aroah -
Yep, you. =D
I figured you're doing a hundred days, so I'd go one worse, and do a month.

Aashirwad Viswanathan Anand said...

I felt obliged to explain something vague I said to you on Skype about my perceptibly decreased propensity to use the phrase "you suck" since I came to college.

Long version: Perhaps some day, I'll be able to match you. The only problem with that wish is that even though I very well might achieve it, I'd end up making sense, and the only reason people use the internet is because there seems to be an inexplicable craze for all things senseless in the name of entertainment; all things fundamentally gibberish, such as your blog.

Short version: you suck.


P.S. I think I'm seeing a relapse toward my sporadic blogging ways. You should get me groupies.