“Whaddya talking about?” I hear you ask “We don’t have a president.”
Oh, no. I must correct you. We do have a president.
“Yeah? Sez who?”
No, really.
“Naw. You’re talking through your hat.”
Okay, so let’s get this straight. You’ve seen that lady with the saree every now and then on the news channels?
Yep. That one.
You hear me.
“You mean… she’s our president? I thought she was the Prime Minister’s gardener!”
You’re pretty close on that one, lemme tell you. The only thing she does is tend to that garden of hers.
And that could probably be true. The conversation, I mean. Not the part about the president. That’s real. I’d much rather the other way ‘round.
‘Cause you know… gardeners, I’m told, don’t make very good leaders of countries. And she hasn’t done anything since she became president. She gave an acceptance speech which would have put a primary school kid to shame, and disappeared into obscurity.
I mean, do something with your power. You’ve got the entire damned country at your disposal. At the very least, you could declare an emergency.
Although an emergency under her, we’d all be forced to fade into obscurity.
First woman president.
Kitch. Short response. While Mrs. Patil certainly isn't as spectacular a personality has Dr. Kalam, I feel that your criticism is rather unfounded. A politician that does their job without ostensible gaucherie is definitely virtuous, most of all in India. I don't think that having power necessarily entails catering to sensationalism, and declaring emergency is best left to exceptional occasions.
So what HAS she done?
I'm very willing to accept that I'm wrong, if you can point to a couple of things that have had some sort of an impact on anything.
Being subtle about what you're doing is completely different from not doing anything.
I think she has been fairly busy between diplomacy with international leaders, appointing governors, chief justices, attorney generals and ambassadors, giving presidential pardons and approving bills passed by parliament. If she hasn't had opportunities to defend the constitution or declare emergency, well...perhaps you want to recognize that it is good that we don't have these situations?
See... my point is that our previous president did all this and more.
As did quite a few presidents before her.
I guess it's not the job of a representative of the people to do things that are beyond their job description. If they do, well good for everyone. If they don't, I don't see how that's bad, considering they're not screwing up (which is a big possibility, albeit more so in local government). I feel that your criticism is largely unwarranted, and that we must be disappointed just because Mrs. Patil hasn't been in the news over, say, a fantastic new inspirational book that she wrote, or because she happens to be a scientific genius who pioneered India's early space program.
Phooey Kablooey and all that Hooey.
And also. Hahaha.
I'll leave the normal argumentating to Aash, I'm THAT kind of law student.
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