Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Challenge : Day One.

Now I’m hoping I can think of a liiiitle more creative titles as this goes on, but it isn’t off to a very good start so far.

My excuse is that it’s one in the morning, and I’ve just done two mind numbingly boring assignments, to the sound of some absolutely stunner U2 songs.

Yep. They’ve got a new album. No Line On The Horizon, apparently. I didn’t know that. I always thought there was a line. Hm. Then again, you always learn something new everyday.


Today I learned that skipping college, and hoping to hell your professors will follow suit isn’t a smart thing to do, especially if you can’t skip more than 22.5 days a semester. Why the point five? I suppose they want to give us hope, only to dash it to the ground, roaring in laughter at our bewildered looks at not being given another half a day of attendance.


Half a lousy day.


But I’ve got nothing to complain about. I’ve got another two and a half lousy days to skip.

Although knowing my record for attending college, having two and a half days to last me a month isn’t such a great thing.

I’ve got five hours a day, six days a week. Contrary to the economics department of my college, who gives them three hours free, and two hours to recover from home.

Yeah. That’s their life.


Yeah, my life sucks.


Unknown said...

Might I just say...
Am implies morning, no need for reiteration.

And... continue.

And you study Physics, hahahaha

Kitchi said...

One AM in the morning?

I have no idea what you're talking about.

The Writer said...
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The Writer said...

Your life sucks? Yours? The boy who curls up, gleefully, with a book on Saturday mornings while other people wade through a paper on the obscurer parts of the New Testament?

Like Wolfe would say, "Pfui.'

Kitchi said...

Akhila -

You're just jealous.
My life sucks, it is true.
I've got college on saturday, and now I can't skip any more...

So my life sucks.

Anonymous said...

OK let me shine a little light on your 'pathetic' state,
1. Its not 22.5 its 23.5
2. There are pathetic little fuckers like 'moi' who are stuck at 24.5, and still not complaining
3.you have teachers for whose classes i would bunk to attend so dont fuckin complain. (as i demonstrated last week)
You know kitchi you remind me of those stupid classmates i had who used to always top the class, but immediatley after every exam would mope and weep and sob helplessly on how theyre going to "Flunk" their exams.
Have a nice day =)

Anonymous said...

Oh and i forgot to add we dont have college this saturday, or so i think lol