Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Evolution Of Music

After my previous posts, I've sort of been thinking on how music evolved, and what happened, and stuff, and my conclusion is, that music is so awesome, the only way it could have happened is by chance. Like the creation of the Earth, and human beings. Chance. That's it.

Let me elaborate.

Music, in the written forms, consists of 8 basic notes, which are represented on a stave, or a musical equivalent of a paragraph. Each 'paragraph' is divided into bars, or the musical equivalent of sentences. Now like any sentence, these sentences have rules. These rules are essentially musical grammar. Without knowledge of this grammar, you will be 'talking' utter rubbish.

Anyway.... onwards with the story of the development of music, the Kitchi way.

The way I would have figured out, and created music, is like so. Say I listen to this guy speak, and he starts talking loudly, and then cuts it down to a whisper, then beats is up to a roar, and does this at intervals, not necessarily regular. And lets say this guy is a public speaker, or some notory, who I have to listen to over a period of time.

When people listen to other people speak, they tend to get bored, even if its only for a couple of minutes (the boredom, not the speech. That would be weird. (If people got bored in a two minute speech. Not the boredom bit) (Hey! Brackets inside brackets! That's cool.) )

So... people tend to get bored. And I don't like this guy, and I don't want to listen to him. But I cannot but hear him. So I bring along a book, and a pencil, or a pen, or something, so I can doodle as he speaks. His voice goes up, his voice geos down.

So I think 'Hey! His voice goes up, and his voice goes down, and it doesn't happen regularly. That might look good on paper!' and I draw. A line which goes up, and a line which comes down, so the result turns out to look like a four year old's representation of a mountain. And I keep doing this.

So this happens, and I do this for all the classes I attend, or all the whatever I attend. But I keep doing this. And one day, I get bored, and draw lines through my mountains. Then I take a second look at my mountains. They're now pretty evenly spaced. With five lines.

So I go home, and separate each line, with a bit of mountain on each line, representing the first musical notes, although I don't quite know it as yet.

Then after even more time, I figure, why not give these strokes an individual sound, so I can recreate what the other guy is saying, except he would sound funny! So I get my eight 'strokes' and give them each a pitch, arbitarily.

Then I forget all about it, for people to discover it, years after I die, and create music with.

Although there is probably another explanation... this one ends up giving all the creadit to me. So I like this one.



radha said...

Interesting theory. =P It might have happened like that..ehe. The chances of those 8 notes being exact depend highly on luck. but, hey, a lot of discoveries were based on luck. So, well, I salute you. =)

Anonymous said...

Okay .... being an accountant, I'm about 2.7 million light years away and receding in the opposite direction at a rate of 6500 miles/second from the concept of what a 'note' might be , or what makes the music, or how one plays the stuff using 'notes' or whatever .... so how about in prehistoric times, there was an investment broker who'd shout and scream loudly or calmly depending on how much the share prices of the fire making rocks fell or rose, you discovered his voice rises by a factor of +- 250 silver coins, assuming an arm length transaction value of 2000 silver coins, taxation at 17.5%, which was never paid as Sarbanes-Oxley was not implemented by that time, so taxation was optional, meaning 8 different levels of shouting, and after complicated calculations, you'd invest a batch of 500 SC in a cumulative max of 4000 silver coin stock, depending on the level of his shout, and yield a surplus of 30% as a factor of the shout level, one day you look at your investment portfolio and discover you invest in 8 different batches (4000 sc/500 sc), hence, you make 8 notes for the ease of your investment, attaching a voice tag to each step in investment, which gives you huge positive cash flows for the rest of your life (NPV 2.5 million Silver Coins @ 10% Risk adjusted WAAC, notice your risk was different to the industry level, and industry WAAC was 16%)....

.... but you still die ... people discover it later and create accountancy rules with it, since music was already created with the big bang's harmonious fluctuations 16+ billion years ago, and discovered later by a mum trying to get her baby to sleep in 9225 BC ....

No ? never mind ....


Anonymous said...




Does this prove that you're an idiot, or does this prove I'm an idiot?

Suzie said...

I think music was invented much before pen and paper [Aha, you didn't think of that loophole, did you?], but lovely theory all the same.

I honestly thought this post would be about Cavemen and their musical clubs.

Haha, musical cavemen.
'Ugg, ugg, hoo, ugg, hoo, ugg, ugg!'

Sing it like do re me/sa re ga. It's funnier and half as retarded.