Friday, May 30, 2008


Firstly, sorry to the one fan out there of my blog (me). I haven't posted in.. HEY! In exactly a month. So this could be like one of those monthly magazines, except a blog, and not nearly as interesting. Hmm...


Onwards we shall sail toward my chosen topic of bloggery. Well, this one hasn't been well thought out, nor well crafted (Atleast to me, the other ones have seemed funny/well written to some degree. I doubt this will be like that).


Music. I mean the real thing. The original stuff, the thing which comes to mind when people mention 'Mozart' or 'Beethoven'. The sometimes lilting, sometimes jarring, altogether flowing and wonderful music. I'm listening to the 'Moonlight Sonata' as I write/type this, and it blows my mind.

There are 12 notes, including all the sharps. That is all. No more. And they come out with these astounding peices of music, unbelievable in their fluency. Unparalleled in their sheer majesty.

But I digress.

Why have we, the human race, collectively thought up of Music? Sure, people say 'You hear birds lilting and singing. They have music. Why can't we'. Oh, sure. They're birds for god's sake. Not us. Not even close in intelligence. There's a reason there's the phrase 'bird brained'. They're idiots.

Uhm. Yes. So we have got music. Not only the 'cultured' and 'civilised' humans, but also the 'uncivilised' humans. The tribes. They blow their horns, they beat their drums. And they like it too.

Surely some guy didn't just wake up in the middle of the night and say 'Oh! I know! We'll make a set of 12 notes, with eight main ones, call the four middle ones sharps, and create sonatas and other such stuff'. It evolved over a period of freakishly long, and people experimented with sounds. Then they came up with rules, which you cannot break. And scales, and what sounds nice.

And this was ages, and ages, and ages ago. I don't even know. And I haven't done any reasearch.

Oh... my idea is fizzling out. So I suppose I'll have to fill in the rest of this post with drivel. Yay.

God, this is an awesome song. Moonlight Sonata. In the middle... it hits a crescendo, and it sounds to me, at the peak of the crescendo, as if every thing in the world is falling to bits. No, that isn't right. Its very hard to put it words. It is astounding.

Well... hopefully, now this blog will be updated on a weekly, or bi-weekly basis, or something like that.

Let's hope for the best. And for me not to be such an idiot.

Signing off.

(Notice the coo- funky new sign off that I've got? Flippy eh?)


Anonymous said...

Never mind, I still love music !!

*goes back to beating drums*

And most importantly, what is the logic to the name of the topic ....

"Oh." ?

I mean ...... like Oh. ?
Make another blog to explain the logic of "Oh." ... and what it stands for ..... I mean ... like "Oh." ? Like what the ?

Let's hope for the best. And for me not to be so bird brained in the future .... or better not hope, cz it ain't gonna work with this monthly anti-music newsletter designed to steal Apple off it's profits using insults aimed at birds....

Better luck next time Bill Gates, or at least make Zune or Windows any better rather than personal attacks on the Ipod listening bird brainers, you fox brainer !!

Anonymous said...


radha said...

Moonlight Sonata sure is a beautiful song. And as for the sharps and flats and stuff, I have to say that I've always wondered how in the world people came up with that? And the concept of grouping quavers and blah blah. "Unbreakable rules" indeed.

And as for the bird-brained thing... How're you sure? Birds could be plotting against us in their little "pure worlds" or whatever.

Nice post! =P

Suzie said...

Music is sheer brilliance. It can't be explained in words, which is precisely why it's music and not, well, words.

'at the peak of the crescendo, as if every thing in the world is falling to bits.'

That was actually very nicely put.