The thing we all think we can lie to ourselves, and others, about. When you're in school, the (almost) first thing that springs to your lips when you meet someone new is 'how old are you?'.
This got me thinking (obviously, or this wouldn't be here, would it?) Humans are the only ones on the planet who keep track of their age (as far as I know).
This seems very strange to me... why would we keep track of our age? Is there a purpose to it?
And the only reason I can think of for keeping track of age, is.... nothing. Completely and utterly pointless practice. We could just live our lives from one day to another... there would be no concept of 'old' and 'new'. Things would be kept till they broke, since there is no 'old'. 'Old' people wouldn't be chucked in nursing homes (not because of their age anyway, 'cause age doesn't exist, remember?)
We wouldn't have product lines being rolled out every few months... there in effect would be no deadlines, except 'next time the sun rises' or something.
Why this sudden elimination of time, you may ask. Well, as I see it, the concept of age is just an extension of the concept of time... and when I eliminate one, I figure just as well to eliminate the other, or sooner or later it will evolve again. So if humans had never figured out the concept of time in the first place, we wouldn't be old, there would be no new, there would be no deadlines for anything, there would exist a sort of gentle flow of life, without the hectic pace of today's life.
Life, in short, would be relaxed. People could do whatever, whenever, as long as the sun didn't rise the next day. Or the next cycle of the sun didn't take place.
But if you think about it, if time didn't exist, then most advances in Science wouldn't have happened, for all its worth. We would still be sitting in caves, chanting 'Ug', and clubbing each other on the heads.
That isn't my idea of a good time, so I figure whoever noticed the sun going 'round our earth, and charted it as 'days', and then split it into twenty four, and further split it into 60, and further split that into 60, and whatever... they were the smart ones. They had no idea what it would do for the future (probably) but it did more good than harm... that can't be all bad, can it?
very clever one Kitchi, I'll have to say that, you always come up with stuff people usually ignore and never even think about, but seriously, you work on simple ideas beautifully !! Must be to do with you sitting at the calming beach daily, well done !!
And keep up the interesting posts, I'm already interested in and waiting for what next one's gonna be :)
Umair Shuaib
also the evil side ..... after destroying 3 of my clocks by the middle of the post and thinking I'll never be celebrating a birthday, I discover later in the post it's gonna turn me into a caveman .... :/ .... well executed plan Kitchi, do you realise what this makes me feel like !!
An idiot?
oh ... and what's with the anonymity ?
well, I didn't break any clocks, but I do feel like one for getting really emotional by the middle of the post, if I could swear, I'd have been like "yeah, fu** time !!"
anyways, to end with, no, it didn't explode my head, It nourished my brain instead, so forget about being joyfully alive, I'll never let you !!
well done once again btw Kitchi ....
Umair Shuaib
I'll bet that your hands aren't long enough to reach across the ocean to throttle Kitchi... strange person.
- Weird person
Umair, grant me persmission to laugh at you for being emotional.
(now we're even. hehe)
Kitch...I don't know what you've been smoking, but I'm pretty sure I don't want any. ;-)
Kitchi, I'd love you to write about "sarcasm" one day .... I've got a feeling it'd be extremely funneee stuff :D
... and also, I'd definitely like to have what you smoke ....
Ashley, well, you laughed at me regardless .... so what was with the permission ?? .... good to laugh though, it's good for the eyesight ...
~ some anonymous girl you guys don't even know about, and never will ~
I'm stunned to hear these allegations are running around...
But they're true nevertheless. Its called...
*looks around*
you're right umair, I think you found a perfect match, this boy is real killer.
and Kitchi there, well done kid, you are really really smart for a 16 year old, all of your posts are very interesting,
I think you should seriously consider writing newspaper blogs too, you will do very well with that
will wait for your next post very eagerly
Uhm...Ubie? Why do you keep referring to yourself as a girl?? This distresses me...especially since you dig Dr. Hunkyface.
This also distresses Dr. Hunkyface.
Ash - You KNOW Mr.Hunkyface?
And all this while I thought you wee waiting for an intro... sly girl.
Hi new person!
(This is how I talk... you should know that by now... :-D )
Yes indeedy... keep reading. Thanks a bunch!
Kitchi : Don't hide the secret, I'm ready to pay twice the price to have the stuff !!
Ashmo : no, no way I dig Dr. Hunkyface, I was just trying to distress you, but yeah, he sure is hunky, glad to know you make such excellent choices ;)
Lidiya : yeah .... see, I'm not the smartest crazy person after all, my friend here takes the title by far :)
Random girl : you stop interfering in my friend's e-harmony, you well know I can get to you at any time !!
Why is Ash Ashmo?
And I'm NOT the smartest crazy person... I'm just the craziest whacked person.
You've got it all wrong Umair...
- Craziest Weird Person
P.S What secret?
Ashmo is a nickname my dad gave me when I was a baby...I guess it evolved from "Ashley Michele".
secret : the stuff you smoke to get visions of your next blog .....
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