The quintessential phrase, from the quintessential teenager. Or any-ager really... as long as you talk to people who use the word 'cool', you'll use it.
An evil word, that's what it is... it sucks you in, it drags you down, to where there is no hallow ground to quote Depeche Mode.
Me being a quintessential (almost) teenager (almost quintessential... not almost teenager. I'm dead set in the middle of that right now) use it a heck of a lot, but it got tiresome after, well, last week. When I finally realised that people use this dreadful word, when there is absolutely nothing else to say. They do not say "Awesome" (An other story all together, maybe to be told another time), they do not say "great", they do not say "fantastic" or any of those things... they have all been (almost) unanimously replaced with "Cool!'.
The word has a variety of meaning, ranging from the boring ("Oh, your washing machine is so cool ") to the wacky ("That new peach defuzzer you got is so cool!")
The word also has no meaning. When someone wants one to react favourably, or very favourably to something that they've shown, all one has to do is put on a face of amazement, and chant out "COOL!" like the well programmed drones that we are.
The word is inescapable, the word is all encompassing, the word has completely enveloped the English language, and turned our once (slightly) flowery vocabulary to one which consists of three words ("Hi", "Dude", "Cool")
And the concept of how awesomeness, and generally charisma came to be associated with temperature, absolutely beyond my comprehension. I just picture some wasted youths, sitting on the corner of a street one cold evening saying "Dude, this street is so awesome man" and the other guy says "Dude. yeah, this street is cool".
And that was that. They started an epidemic worse than the Bubonic Plague, mainly because I see no end to this terror in the foreseeable future.
All this having been said, I am now having trouble phasing out that particular word, because its carved out a niche for itself, things which are between 'great' and 'awesome'. or 'awesome' and 'fantastic' are 'Cool'. I think in this way, we get rid of the unwanted, and un-needed explanations, of what exactly we think of your snotty new procurement, and what exactly we would like to do with it. We get out of it by chanting our regular mantra, and get the hell away from there.
What is the point of this, you may ask after you read the whole thing, and see no conclusion.
Well, I just thought I'd post a few thoughts on the youth's collective idol.
Quintessential is *my* word. And it was my word on my blog long before you developed an aversion to the--uhm--to the quintessential vernacular.
*pauses to consider how ridiculous and pedantic that last sentence probably sounded*
Uh, anyway. If you have a peach defuzzer, I tooootally wanna see it. (Although, I'm led to wonder: why would you ever want to defuzz a peach? That's the best part...)
The dude in that picture has a nice face. Can you arrange an introduction? ;-)
I don't even know what a Peach Defuzzer IS.
It came to me in a dream...
Yeah, his name is 'Cool Guy' and an introduction can be found if you search on Google Imaged for aforementioned.
So now you've cpoyrighted a word? Well, I copyright the air.
Stop breathing NOW!
I did, in fact, Google Cool Guy. Apparently, he's a gifted student. According to the website from whence he came, anyway...
But since reading your blog, I have found the word "Cool" to be increasingly loathesome. So Cool Guy will be Cool Guy no longer. He shall henceforth (for obvious reasons) be known as Dr. Hunkyface.
You could also call him
Since cool is now a 'derogatory' word.
so then .... I'd still like to ask what was the point of this, other than introducing Ashley to the "guy" ??
Hey "Anonymous" (if that IS your real name...), even if introducing me to Dr. Hunkyface was ALL this blog ever accomplished....that's more than enough for me. *casts wistful glance of adoration at Dr. Hunkyface* is the new eHarmony!
uhh ... yeah, I highly appreciate the discovery of uhh "Dr. Hunkyface", and the joy bought on by it (I think he's very hunky too btw, since I'm a girl myself), um but my question was more like knowing the point of rest of the post of Kitchi, it's just way too much ...
.... random ... way too much than I can normally handle !!
You're not a girl. Fibber. I know who you are...
This blog is hunky dory to me. From the Greek Godess
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