Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Wintry Somnumbalist

Some people just can't take... well, I don't quite know how to complete that sentence.
So here's the story.

I was waiting outside the Dean's office at college, when this guy comes striding out of the office with a very important look on his face, and heads straight for the guy sitting next to me. The conversation is as follows, starting with the important chap.

Chap : Are you Varun?
Guy : Wha-? (Like he's just been woken up)
Chap : Are you Varun?
Guy : *looks confused for a bit, and stares into his phone for a bit*
Chap : (Yelling) Hey! Are you Varun?
Guy : *Looks slightly shocked*
Chap : *Gets quite annoyed*
Guy : (mumbling) yesgfpsnosphmhsn.
Chap : What? (Really annoyed now)
Guy : What?
Chap : Are you Varun?
Guy : *realisation dawns* Oh! No.
Chap : *makes a move to raise his hand, which has formed a fist, and then stalks off, no doubt cussing under his breath*

Its guys like these which make the world such an entertaining place.


Unknown said...

Why were you outside the Dean's office in the first place?
Did DitchiKitchi strike again?

Kitchi said...


Unknown said...


Kitchi said...


Anonymous said...

aah, my memory fails me. Who is this guy; Joshua? And was i there?....i have to type ackfir for asking this, so try and remember who the guy and chap are.

Anonymous said...

and its ambulist...schgenti this time