Chivalrousness. Or whatever the word is. That's what this post is about.
Come to think of it... what is the word for chivalrousness? Please help.
Anyway. These last couple of weeks, when I've been taking the bus really often, I thought to myself "I'm not going to be one of those selfish people on the bus. I'm going to be polite, and chivalrous, and really kind, and everyone will love me, and that will be awesome". So I tried. And I'm still doing it. I'm giving my seat to older people, to infirm people. (I love the way 'infirm' sounds like they'd just collapse in the middle of the bus, if it hit a bump or something).
And so I gave my seat to older, and infirmer (than me) people. And there was this awesome time, when I gaev my seat to this guy, who looked about 40, maybe 50. It wasn't as if he couldn't stand for the journey. But I decided I couldn't compromise my principles. So I got up, and offered him my seat. He thanked me, and I smiled, and was quite civil. A couple of ten minutes later, he looked as if he was ready to get out of the seat. And by this time, the bus was quite full, full of people standing, that is. And I could just sense the stampede for the seat, and I didn't want to be in it, so I moved a bit away, to let the nearest cow/cattle run to the seat. And when this guy got off, he stopped the other people from getting into the seat, at risk of his life, and let me sit in it.
That's really, really awesome. That left me feeling great. But then, every other time, the guy/girl, man/lady who took my seat, didn't smile, they just took it. Like it was a matter of protocol. And they didn't thank me, they didn't even acknowledge that I gave them my seat. That I gave up my comfort for theirs.
This was when I realised that I get the bad deal. Every single time. I'm sure chivalrality (?) is a wonderful concept, and a romantic concept... but its stupid. It's innately stupid. Human beings are compassionate, sure. But they aren't stupid. Being compassionate, and being so compassionate, to the point of stupidity. Two completely different things, them.
Yeah, I feel bad for the old lady standing up, which is why I offer her my seat. But that's stupid, isn't it? Compromising your comfort, so some stranger can be happy? Isn't that like obliging someone else, for their pleasure? People wouldn't do it in other situations...
"Hi, I'm a stranger. Could you stab yourself for me please? It would make me happy!"
'Sure thing, stranger"
*keels over. Dead*
"haha! That was fun. Do it again!"
No... people wouldn't do this otherwise. Its just a social thing.
So far, this post has had no relevance to the title. Here's where it gets slightly relevant to the title.
I believe Sir Lancelot, or Camelot, or Mixalot invented chivalrality (this is really hard for me to pronounce. Even in my head).
And that person, was an idiot. Why would they do that?
"Here, m'lady. Please use me to step on, so you don't get your feet wet on this puddle"
WHAT?!? Why don't you just ask her to walk around the puddle? Isn't that smarter? Doesn't it make more sense than using your body as a mat?
In my opinion, I think women were as strong as men, to begin with. Then people dissuaded them from walking around puddles. Now they're all fragile, and demanding women's rights.
But along with women's rights, they still want people to be chivalrous to them. Which is exactly the opposite of women's rights.
Just make up your minds. Do you want to be pampered, or do you want to be made to work, and earn, and the rest of the shabang? I know what my choice would be. I'd be very, very content just to have someone else do my work for me.
But no. They have to work, and they want people to be chivalrous to them.
Holy cow, that's just... dithering!
But for the record... I'm still going to be chivalrous, and well mannered, and all that, because it makes people think "Oh, this guy is awesome". And that statement goes against (almost) every word in this post.
But that's life. Live with it.
This guy is not chivalrous. And won't move the hair on his little toe nail to help me.
Oh but I quite agree with your views on feminism. Which is like one of those dogs that doesn't know which tree its barking under.
Since when do toenails grow hair?
The ending to this post ....... brilliant !!
.... just that, "you're awesome Kitchi" !! My respect for you has gone up by 137.68% .....
Anyways, keep on being nice, there is one more purpose : To make others realise they can be nice like you too, the can, too, make others happy with their little acts of kindness ..... maybe not now, but you'll sure change people around you, for a while, at the least ...... that brings big changes ..........
So, therefore, always give your seat to a 40-50 year old nice guy.
If they can have dragons, they can have huge ass puddles. Perhaps Queen Guinevere was faced with a huge ass puddle.
And for the record, chivalrousness does not equal awesomeness. Ok, maybe a little. But that would be in your Mother-in-law's books, yes?
For once, I'm trying to be all polite, and nice, and you shoot it down.
Now I'm sad. :-(
I didn't shoot it down, it was more of a deflation.
Don't be sad, you are awesome in other ways.
That was called inflation.
off with your bastardly, bucolic head. You do realise it was queen victoria or elizabeth or mary the Ist IInd or IIIrd ( i have no clue do I?) that stomped on this Lancelot aka Walter Raleigh's (here I have some clue) cloak. So if the poor Raleigh dude (here i'm going american again!) hadnt chown chivalry, the first line would have come into picture. So pleaase forgive walter and blame it on the Brit queen. And oh may god save the queen.
My new post was rubbish.
Its gone now.
You can all live in peace again.
Oh dear Oh dear, Kitchiwan.
Chivalrousness is known as chivalry to the purple monkeys of the world.
Your point that people who accept chivalry as protocol is actually pretty spot on, cant argue with it really.. Some people do suck. I think the point is not to be one of them....
Walking around the puddle is a good idea, yes, but in the times of Lancelot and what not, women were all considered to be dainty, fragile stupid creatures.. Why the men didn't think to walk around the puddle is probably why it became so imperitive that women be given a stronger place in the world :P
I've never understood some parts of chivalry, like why a guy has to give up his seat for a girl, doesn't mean it doesn't impress the hell out of me though!
I had more to say but i lost track because my dinner is ready :D :P
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