That's me free associating.
I was watching this guy on Youtube... Jimmy0010. He's a real champion of sarcasm. He's got the art down to perfection. Well, I really don't have anything much to say in this post, I just thought I'd post, since it's been a... er.... ten days, or something. So I felt like writing, except I didn't have a clue what to write about. So I slacked off, and started to watch Youtube.
And then it stuck me... I could write about sarcasm. Why? Because I'm a numb-witted dimbskull. I couldn't think of anything else.
To me, sarcasm is an essential part of my life. As is cynicism. I cannot be me without either of them. But sarcasm in itself, is a thing of beauty. Its like delivering punch lines of jokes with a straight face, and making other people laugh. Its a skill, almost.
I've heard people say sarcasm, and pun-nery are the lowest forms of humour. I think not. I think sarcasm, and punnery are sublime examples of humour. It sure beats a guy running into a brick wall, or sliding into a brick wall, or sliding on a banana peel or whatever. Although that is funny... I think that's more 'caveman' humour. Beating someone with a club is funny.
Heck, it IS funny. Its really funny. But this is a different funny. This is a more intellectual humour. Its got more to do with the brain, rather than the... brawn? Or something. If brawn is a word. I've forgotten.
Many people wouldn't find 'I like rotten tomatoes. They taste like rotted cheese' funnny.
And neither do I. That is the most boring sentence, I have ever seen. Or read. Or typed.
But this on the other hand, is funny.
"Hello, nefarious goat".
That is freaking funny. Or 'Salut chevre selerat' if you don't understand english, and understand the other language. Whatever it is.
But that humour isn't sarcasm. That's absurd. Why would anyone greet a goat?
'Good day, goat. How are you today?'
'That's nice to hear'
'Want to hear about my day?'
And on goes the conversation. Sorry... I'm really free associating at the moment. I don't know why. If this makes your head ache... go have some paracetamol. No... I don't know why I said that.
But leave it to beaver, right?
So where was I? Ah yes. Jimmy0010. Master at sarcasm, and only 18. Or 19. Or something like that. He's a wit. And a bit of a git.
Hey! I'm a poet. Or a rhymer. Or something.
Was there a point to this point? No, post?
Ah yes. I remember now.
"Hello, nefarious goat"
'Baaa. *grunt* baaa"
"Why are you grunting? And why are you rearing your horn things in the direction of my tum-tum?"
"Baa. *snort*"
Scott Adams is funny too. I have just been landed with the entire Calvin And Hobbes collection, and the entire Dilbert collection (to date). I have a lot of reading to do.
Read the 'Lord Of The Flies' (if its a real book. I dunno. It features in 'Hearts in Atlantis') also read 'Hearts in Atlantis' by Stephen King. Not in the least scary. But its really interesting. Its like a documentary or
'Astonishingly brilliant' according to uh, New York Review, or Washington Post or one of those papers, which pay to get on the covers of books. But it really is good.
Thanks. I really should try this free associating thing.
P.S. the conversations with the goat were fab.
P.P.S. Do not trash slapstick. It is an integral part of my life. Plus, it's extremely funny as well.
I didn't.
I just said slapsitck wasn't as intellectual as sarcasm.
Which is true.
I didn't get the connection between teeth and board.
But when cavemen saw other cavemen beating each other with clubs, did they laugh? Or rush for a first aid kit? In other words, did the cavemen themselves laugh at caveman humor?
Aha. I have just unlocked another component of Aash's 'stuff'- Slapstick humor. Aha.
Tum-tum is fun to say.
Well, suzie.
Teeth are white. And White Boards are white. Hence Teeth, Board.
Yes. Cavemen laughed. I have prrof. And proof as well.
Pfft. It could've been a blackboard.
I'd like to see prrof.
Oh, random, but still. If you've already seen this, I apologize.
That's pretty c**l. But its like a Nostradamus sort of thing. Rot.
And apologise is spelled with an s. And not a z.
American-speller person.
Only 3 things
1 : I think the tomato and cheese one was much, much funnier
2 : You should move the sentence :
"That's me free associating"
to the very end of the post
3 : *grunt*
..... *whap* *thud* whap* whap*
................... *thud*
*thud* *thud* *thud*
With Love,
Thank you for your constructive criticism.
I appreciate it.
Na-uh. Nostradamus is different. The dollar bill was completely designed by the Freemasons. That's why it has the pyramid and the illuminated eye amongst other masonic symbols.
Besides, 9/11 was 98.758% a setup.
If we were British-spellers and talkers, why do we say chips instead of crisps?
Agreed! Sarcasm should be rated higher on the funny scale. And i like goats. Thank you for appreciating their worth. (is that even right grammar?)
PS - "Tum-tum" *giggle*
Should I reply there or here? Wait, I'm already replying here. Stupid, stupid.
There's a theory that Bush staged 9/11 to start the war in Afghanistan and the 'chase' for Osama, who, in fact, was trained by the CIA and whose family has ancient ties with Bush's.
Besides, when a plane crashes into a building, the debris flies outward, not inwards. Internal explosions, much? And the authenticity of the 9/11 videos are questioned as well. Why was no forensic evidence taken from any of the debris? Why did all the investigations stop so suddenly? There about about two dozen loopholes.
So, therefore, 9/11 was a setup.
That's why it's only a theory, Kitchi.
Read more.
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