This is part one of two.
I say of two, because, obviously, there is another one coming. And these are the good rants. The one with all the anger in them. Hopefully, it will make good reading.
So here we go.
Rant One.
Law. And consequently, order. To be precise, Law And Order.
I'm completely in favour of it. Totally. If there weren't any law, there wouldn't be any order. If there were no order, there'd be chaos. And if there were chaos, we'd all be wearing make up and going 'Do you know how I got these scars...?'. Not particularly sane, I'd say.
But more than a problem with law, is the application. Now, laws are often phrased well, so as to leave no loophole, but then there are these ones with tremendous gaping craters in them. I could drive a tank through those loopholes, and not touch the sides.
This, again, isn't my real problem. Loopholes are loopholes. Let them be... they'd make fun rollercoasters.
People should be consistent when they apply a punishment, or apply a law, and hence derive a punishment.
To take a very trivial example... the FIA. They just randomly seem to dole out punishments, often disproportionate to the degree of the breaking of the rule. And there seems to be a certain element of favouritism. But this is a topic of endless debate. All discussion on this ends here.
More seriously, the Hiroshima bombings. About half a million people were killed on that day, and the week that followed, and millions more were affected by the radioation, and crippled for life. Not to mention their kids, and grand kids, who'd have had to go through life with half a brain.
And the Americans did this to 'end the war' and 'end the evil' and other very noble phrases. But it still killed a couple of million people, and is killing a couple of million people. I'd estimate about 7 million people, dead, dying and injured.
And nothing was done to them.
Nothing at all.
But Hitler killed 10 million jews, and he was hated by the whole world. The whole world declared war on him, because he started to murder people outside his own borders. And in pretty large numbers as well, he was murdering them. Genocide, I think its called.
But murder he did... and he got stepped on for that. Sure, its twice the number of people affected by the Hiroshima/Nagasaki bombs.
But the bombs worked their magic in a couple of minutes, and that's had effect till today. Hitler did everything manually. Didn't have machines do it for him... if anything, the Americans were lazy.
Okay, seriously. I'm sure
something should have happened to them (the Americans). Shouldn't they atleast be fined?
But if they are fined... who would they be fined by? The UN?
What makes the UN think they've got a right to fine us?
But then, we come to the crux of all government.
But that's immaterial here.
My point is, something should have been done to the Americans. They killed half the people the Nazi's did, except more subtly. They've got more class.
The disporportionality, and the rationalising of the decision, by saying it 'was to end the war' just infuriates me. Its like me culling a million people, because they had AIDS, or something.
It makes perfect sense. Stop the madness, destroy the source, or just hurt the source so hard, that it sooner or later stops working. It makes logical sense. But then we aren't logical, are we? We're moralistic, and emotional, and other things that detract from our lovely logical sides.
And this is why we cannot make sane decisions, ever. And this is why we should never be allowed to. But sadly, we've decided someone else must rule our lives, but they're human as well. Just more popular.
So this all makes no sense to me.